Becoming HomoLuminous (1)
Sun, Mar 03
|The Yoga Yurt
The Inner Alchemy of the Homosapien Awakening to the Light Body Being. A 4-Class Ascension-Series Course.

Time & Location
Mar 03, 2024, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
The Yoga Yurt, 321 Lea Ln, Wimberley, TX 78676, USA
About the event
Becoming HomoLuminous is an Ascension-Series Embodiment Workshop that includes 4 sesssions which will be held on:
- Saturday 2/10 @ 10am-2pm
- Sunday 3/3 @ 10am-2pm
- Saturday 3/30 @ 10am-2pm
- Thursday 4/4 @ 10am-2pm
- (*we may move the Thursday 4/4 class to the evening if the daytime schedule doesn't work for everyone that is registered - please send me an email to alert me).
Each class in this series will include: workshop lectures + movement + embodiment practices + energy work + breathwork + meditations + activations + community to raise your frequency with!
Course 1: Inner Alchemy
- The Bioelectric & Magnetic Body
- Energy,, Vibration & Frequency
- The Sacred Spine, The Spiritual Heart and the Holy Grail
- Becoming Heart Coherent & the Law of the Trinity
Course 2: Building Your Body Temple
- The Spiritual Energetics of Food
- Solar Light Codes, DNA, Cellular Changes
- Building Your Physical Structure
- Attunment to the New Earth, Grounding & Processing Energy
Course 3: Activating Your Light Body
- Ancient Egyptian, Tibetan & Yogic Science
- Elemental Beings, Nature Spirits & the Rainbow Children
- Activating the Rainbow Light Body & Awakening with Ascending Gaia
Course 4: Merkaba Mechanics
- Awaken your Divine Self
- Activate your interdimensional vehichle for light body travel - the Merkaba
- Becoming the new HomoLuminous Being
- Being a lightworker and wayshower for others during the Ascension Process
The New 5D Earth is here! Are you ready?
What does the word ascension mean? By definition, it's the path taken by people who consciously advance toward a greater state of illumination. It's a personal decision to bravely enter the uncharted territory of the inner self to grow into your authentic self. The process of expanding your awareness into new dimensions of perception–5th dimension and beyond–is what we call ascension. And the only way to allow for new perceptions of understanding is to shed, or at the very least, transcend, old perceptions: what you might call “beliefs.” Go within.
Humanity is shifting from a denser, egoic state of duality consciousness, to more unity and heart-based consciousness. This shift is the process of spiritual awakening that moves a person into a different level of awareness and a lighter vibrational frequency. The ascent is recognizing and accepting that you are an expression of the One Soul through remembrance, re-membering that you are a Divine Creator. As a Creator, you create your New Earth experience.
Each person has a conscious choice to participate in the evolution of humanity or not to engage. Both sides of that decision are perfect. Spiritual Ascension is a personal choice, and whether one chooses to participate or not, it does not diminish the truth about who that individual is, because each is a Divine Creator. Earth, or Mother Gaia, is a conscious living being who is going through her evolution. As Gaia goes through her ascension or rise in vibration and dimensional awareness we need to choose, do we join in, or do we resist?
What happens in the Ascent? No, there will not be the rise or ascent of the physical body to the heavens as some have imagined. Each person choosing to ascend will experience an increase in their frequency and dimensional awareness. Most of humanity has resided in the third-dimension or 3D plane of consciousness. There will be a shift from 3D to 4D (fourth dimension), and some to 5D (fifth dimension) and even beyond.
What happens during ascension? We bring in more Light from our Higher Self, our I AM Presence, which will open opportunities for miracles and spiritual growth. How can we trigger this? We need to open our hearts, which will increase our frequency. Ascension is an opportunity for every person on the planet. But it’s a choice.
The 3D body will need to experience DNA and pineal gland activations to make this journey. These activations or upgrades are already happening with the assistance of our Sun (Solar Light Codes), our teams of star brothers and sisters, angels, guides and Ascended Masters that are assisting humanity and mother earth. It also requires a daily connection to nature and a deep committment on our part to devote time to the inner work and learnign to understand our body technology so that we can get our inner world and phsyical body temple alchemized to receive more light, raising our frequency and filling ourselves with life force and God Essence.
Calling all those that are resonating with this work and ready to align to the higher frequencies of New Earth!
Lets gather, learn, grow, play, evolve and raise our frequency together! We have some BIG energies coming up this Spring with the Eclipses. The time to be ready is NOW.
Early bird pricing is $222 if you register by 2/2. Regular price is $333.
*In an effort to assistance with budgeting, if your housemate (spouse or partner) is wanting to attend with you, their ticket is 1/2 price. I want this work to be available for everyone that resonates with this, so please send me a message if you need assistance with payment plans or a sliding scale payment or even trade offers.
NOTE: I am going to open the container to begin this work etherically on 2/2 and will keep the energy running thru 4/8 during the Total Solar Eclipse. Please begin to prepare your body, mind and hearts for a deeply expansive and exciting journey. We will meet for our first session on 2/10 to begin the work in person and our last in person session together will be on 4/4. I will send additional preparation instructions upon registration. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions!
In Mayan Astrology, 2/2 is the beginning of a new 13-Day Wavespell, the Red Magnetic Serpent (life force, survival & instinct) and a new Castle (a 52-day cycle) begins in The Western Blue Castle of Burning, a Court of Magic (is a time of purification and transformation)! We will begin attuning to these energies 2/2 - 4/8 and will be dedicated to working on our High Heart, Light Bodies, our Merkaba Vehicles and working with the Trinity of Manifesting with the power of a coherent heart and group intention of manifesting a New Earth where all thrive in unity, oneness and a rememberence of our highest most divine, authentic blueprints!
This process will take us thru the entire Blue Castle, which is all about Magic, Transformation and Transendence and will carry us through the Spring Equinox and into the Southern Yellow Castle of Giving, which represents the middday Sun and a time of abundance and generosity, as well as the joy and happiness that comes from sharing with others. This castle is a time of giving, a time when we are encouraged to be generous with our time, energy, and resources. It is a time to focus on community and to give back to those in need, representing the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of contributing to the greater good. Yellow Castle is a reminder that generosity is a powerful force for positive change. It's time to awaken the New Earth with the energies of the the Total Solar Eclipse on behalf of all Life on the Ascemnding Planet Earth!
Mayan Astrology for our Sessions:
2/2 - Open Energy Container - Red Magnetic Serpent in Red Serpent Wavespell in Blue Castle
- Day 1 of Red Serpent Wavespell: What is my Purpose? How do I call forth the resonance of my true vibration?
- Double Red Serpent Day!
- Red Serpent Wavespell invites the purifying spark of the sacred fire, the kundalini, to align and integrate your body, mind and spirit. Red Serpent can help you uncover apparent blockages in specific chakras to clear an align them. Red Serpent Wavespell represents life force, vitality, kundalini serpent energy, body wisdom, instinct, sexual energy, passion, intimacy, integration, motivation, desire, and purification.
- Tone: Magnetic = Oneness & Unity of all that is!
2/10 - Red Solar Skywalker in Red Serpent Wavespell in Blue Castle.
- Day 9 of Red Serpent Wavespell: How do I shine the light for others?
- Red Skywalker Qualities: Dynamic Balance, Pillars of Heaven, you are the bridge between heaven and earth, balancing your Starseed Self - Earthling Self, time/space traveler, mysterious journey, new directions, compassion, angelic messenger, courage, explorer, fluid reference points.
- Tone: Solar = non-linear connection btwn consciousness and they physcial realm, the awakened mind
3/3 - White Self-Existing Wizard in a Blue Monkey Wavespell (magic, play illiusion) in Blue Castle
- Day 4 in the Blue Monkey Wavespell What form will my spiritual journey take?
- Blue Monkey Qualities: innocence, spontaneity, play, magic, inner child, humour, disruption.
- White Wizard Qualities: integrity, heart-knowing, alignment with divine will, magician, shaman, jaguar, night seer, priest, magic. White Wizard is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the heart. White Wizard invites you to step into self-empowerment. Align your own will with divine will and your Essence Self. Be transparent, innocently allowing magic to come through you rather than needing to create it. Open to heart-knowing and limitless possibilties.
- Tone: Self-Existing = access to the power of structure
3/30 - Red Overtone Dragon in Red Earth Wavespell in Yellow Castle
- Day 5 of Red Earth Wavespell: What is my core purpose?
- Red Earth Qualities: Grounding force, synergy, centeredness, wholeness, synchronicity, galactic alignment, Earth Force, fluid world resonance, clue tracking, crystal healing, shield.
- Red Dragon Qualities: Source of life, breakthrough, divine nurturance & support, receptivity, primordial Mother, undivided primal waters, primal trust and nourishment, birth.
- Yellow Castle is a reminder that generosity is a powerful force for positive change
- Tone: Overtone = the invisitble centerpoint within everything
4/4 - White Planetary World-Bridger in Red Earth Wavespell in Yellow Castle
- Day 10 in Red Earth Wavespell: What does my heart desire to manifest?
- White World Bridger Qualities: Change, transformation, release, multi-dimensional consciousness, surrender control, revelation, death/rebirth, transmutation, forgiveness, humility.
- In this life-time you are being asked to release and surrender. Surrender is the opposite of giving up. It is freeing yourself from the desire to be in control, letting go of how you think things should be. Surrender is freedom. You are being invited to release yourself from the bondage of preconceived action, to let everything be all right as it is, so that you can live a more inspired life in the moment!
- Tone: Planetary = access to the power of attainment / actualization
4/8 - Close Energy Container - White Magnetic Dog in White Dog Wavespell in Yellow Castle (first day of new wavespell)
- Day 1 of a new Wavespell - the White Magnetic Dog: How do I call forth the resonance of my true vibration?
- White Dog Qualities: companions of destiny, heart, love, service, loyalty, spiritual strength, guardians and guides, breakthrough, emotional body issues, ego, recasting the past, new beginnings.
- Recognize your Companions of Destiny! One of the gifts of White Dog is the calling in and recognition of other companions of destiny. Other beings with the same longing are waiting to meet and acknowledge you - beings who can see you as you authrentically are. When you have truly been seen, you feel empowered, and remembrance of a shared sacred trust is ignited. This is a natural process, divinely designed for recognition through vibrational affinity, freed from personal expectations.
- White Dog can be seen as an access point for developing relationships with guides, totems, allies and guardians. There are many ways to work with these spiritual guides, including guided visualizations, shamanic journeys, and meditation. A useful construct is viewing them as aspects of yourself, part of your life stream that is asking to be integrated. Remember, there is no 'other'. In this grand adventure, you are being asked to embody all that you are.
- The Harmonic Wisdom of White Dog is affinity, the attraction of like vibrations or substances for one another. UNITY CONSCIOUS!
- A whole new world has arrived!!
- Tone: Tone: Magnetic = Oneness & Unity of all that is!
Becoming HomoLuminous
4 Ascension-Class Sessions: 2/10, 3/3, 3/30 & 4/4 10am-2pm.
From $111.00 to $333.00Sale ended- $333.00+$8.33 service fee
- $166.50+$4.16 service fee
- $111.00+$2.78 service fee